Thanks to...
We are grateful to the many Angels of the North Country and the Friends of North Country Theatre for their continuing sponsorship which keeps us on the road. We would also like to thank Andrew & Harriet Bull, Richmond Town Council, the Elm House Trust, G W Cadbury Trust, Richmond Fairtrade Group, the Upper Wensleydale
Newsletter, Wensleydale Railway Association, the Georgian Theatre Royal, Richmond Operatic Society, Richmond Dramatic Society, Dave Harris, Ruth Annison, Michael Bannister, Andy Thursfield, Beki Stevenson, Simon Kirk, Mike Nicholls and Beth Housden for their help with this and other productions this year. Grateful thanks too to those who support the company throughout the year, Carillion Amey, John Ward, Caroline Woodroffe, Jenny & Tony Power, Faye Doorbar, Amanda Cook, Geoff Wall, Tim Kendall, Judith Brickwood, Donald & Nina Cline, Wilma Burniston, Liz Floyd, Julian Farrand and Brenda Hale.